If cringe is truly dead, I can have a kin list

Dr. Newton Geiszler

Pacific Rim

scrunkly alien science nerd. short king with adhd. wants to be a rock star. likes yelling. your honor he is me.

Klaus Hargreeves

The Umbrella Academy

i relate to him because i, too, like to wear eyeliner and run away from my problems

Charlie Kelly

The Umbrella Academy

yes, this is Charlie Day again. But this time he's more stupider

Rodrick Heffley

Diary of a Whimpy Kid

as an alternative older brother who used to be in a band in high school and got overshadowed by his younger brother... I mean I HAVE to kin him

Jim Hawkins

Treasure Planet

I blame "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls and this character for turning me into a tiny edgelord when I was eleven.

btw I should get an undercut again.

Jesse Pinkman

Breaking Bad

Sad guy wearing big shirt. Trans masc essence.